StoryBrand One Liner: Examples & Tips from a StoryBrand Guide

Have you ever had someone try to explain their business to you, only to find yourself completely lost? We've all been there. It's frustrating, isn't it?

That's where a StoryBrand One Liner comes in handy.

Developed by Donald Miller, the StoryBrand One Liner is a key part of executing the StoryBrand framework, a powerful marketing strategy. It's designed to help businesses communicate clearly and effectively in just a sentence or two.

If you're new to StoryBrand, read our article all about the StoryBrand framework.

For any person with a business, product, or initiative, getting your message across simply and effectively is crucial.

A StoryBrand One Liner is like the first step before your elevator pitch. It's a short, punchy statement that gives people a clear snapshot of what you do and why it matters.

When it’s done right, a StoryBrand One Liner can make your message stick in people's minds and set the stage for deeper conversations.

It's a powerful tool that can transform how you introduce your business.

In this article, we'll explore Donald Miller's StoryBrand One Liner concept. Here's what we'll cover:

What is a StoryBrand One Liner?

A StoryBrand One Liner is a concise introduction to your business, typically two to three sentences long. It's designed to be straightforward and uncomplicated. This approach makes sure your message memorable rather than easily dismissed.

This ensures that your message isn’t overly complicated, making it memorable rather than easily ignored.

This marketing tool serves as a brief pitch that describes what your business does without delving into confusing details. It effectively addresses a customer's pain point. At the same time, it offers a clear solution they need from you.

The structure of a StoryBrand One Liner is influenced by techniques originally used in Hollywood for pitching movie ideas.

Donald Miller and Dr. JJ Peterson adapted this approach to marketing. They simplified a brand's message into a format that includes identifying a problem, offering a solution, and envisioning the success that follows.

For instance, consider this One Liner we use here at Mammoth Marketing:

"Many businesses aren't confident in their message and their marketing. At Mammoth Marketing, we clarify your message and turn it into marketing that works, so you can confidently grow your business."

Our example effectively illustrates the three key components.

It identifies the problem (lack of confidence in messaging and marketing), presents the solution (clarifying the message and creating effective marketing), and highlights the successful outcome (confident business growth).

A StoryBrand One Liner is not just a tool for clarity but a powerful element of your marketing strategy. It connects directly with the core issues of your target audience. It offers them a memorable and compelling reason to engage with your brand.

Why is a StoryBrand One Liner important?

Understanding the significance of a StoryBrand One Liner is crucial for your marketing strategy.

It’s a highly effective tool that not only introduces your business but also succinctly communicates its value proposition to your target audience.

Here’s why creating an impactful StoryBrand One Liner is essential for your business:

Become known for the problem you solve

Your StoryBrand One Liner directly addresses the problems your potential customers face. By focusing on their pain points, your message resonates deeply with them. This makes your business more relevant and sets you apart from competitors who may not communicate as clearly.

Simplicity and clarity always win

As attention spans get shorter, a clear and concise One Liner is far more effective than a lengthy explanation. It boils your business essence down to a memorable phrase that's easy for potential customers to understand and remember. When you communicate clearly, you'll stand out in a market where most businesses confuse their customers.

Makes your brand more memorable

A well-crafted One Liner that’s repeated across various platforms helps your brand stick in people's minds. The Marketing Rule of 7 is a great illustration to show that customers often need multiple exposures to a message before taking action. Your memorable One Liner gives them a clear, consistent message to latch onto.

Paints a picture of success

Your One Liner sets expectations for what customers can gain from your business. By clearly stating the problem you solve, how you solve it, and the success customers will enjoy, you're giving them a compelling reason to choose you. This alignment of your message with customer goals can lead to more engagement and sales.

By integrating these elements into your marketing strategy, your StoryBrand One Liner becomes a foundational tool for your business.

It improves understanding and retention of your message while driving engagement and conversions.

In a competitive market, this clear communication is your key to standing out and growing your business.

Elements of an effective StoryBrand One Liner

Creating an effective StoryBrand One Liner involves three key elements.

1. Problem

Your StoryBrand One Liner starts by addressing the core problem that your potential customers face.

This part sets the scene for your brand's story by highlighting a specific pain point that your audience experiences.

The key is to make this problem relatable.

When you’ve communicated it effectively, your audience should see themselves in this situation. It's like holding up a mirror to their struggles.

2. Solution

Following the problem, your One Liner presents your business's response. This is where you communicate your offer - whether it's a product, service, or an innovative approach. It's your value proposition in its simplest form.

Keep it clear and concise. Focus on how your solution directly benefits the customer.

Remember, your One Liner doesn't need to cover every aspect of your business. It's designed to be a conversation starter that invites potential customers to learn more about how you can help them.

3. Success

The final component of your StoryBrand One Liner is the success your customers will achieve by choosing your solution.

Paint a picture of the positive outcomes and transformations that your customers can expect. This part of the One Liner helps your audience envision a better future after using your product or service.

It's your opportunity to create an emotional connection, showing them not just what they'll have, but how they'll feel.

Examples of StoryBrand One Liners

Over the years, businesses across various industries have successfully implemented StoryBrand One Liners to sharpen their brand messaging.

These examples showcase how a well-crafted One Liner can effectively communicate a company's value proposition in just a few sentences:

Legal Services:

"Most people start stressing when a lawyer gets involved. At Best Law, our Lawyers make the legal process simple so you can stop stressing and keep moving forward."

This one-liner directly addresses the common anxiety associated with legal issues and positions Best Law as a solution that simplifies the process, making it less daunting for clients.

Public Speaking Coaching:

"Many public speakers struggle to prepare for their next talk. Michael Philpott will give you coaching to improve your script and delivery so you can confidently face your next talk and inspire your audience to take action."

Here, the one-liner taps into the fears of public speakers and offers a clear solution through personalised coaching, emphasising the transformation into a confident speaker.

Photography Services:

"Kids grow up so fast and before you know it they've left home. At Photoworthy Images, we photograph your child's growing up years so you can relive those precious moments forever."

This example effectively captures the emotional appeal of preserving memories of growing children, offering a service that keeps these memories alive long after the children have grown.

Uniform Solutions:

"Many business owners hate tacky uniforms. At Robert Embroideries, we help you find the perfect uniform so your brand can make a first impression that lasts."

The one-liner addresses the dislike for unattractive uniforms and provides a solution that enhances brand image with high-quality, appealing uniforms.

These examples illustrate and impact of a well-crafted StoryBrand One Liner. Each one communicates a problem, offers a solution, and highlights the success customers will enjoy.

Tips for creating your own StoryBrand One Liner

Crafting an effective StoryBrand One Liner takes practice and refinement. Here are some key tips to help you create, refine, and deliver a powerful message for your business:

Speak in the voice of your customer

Use language that your customers would use themselves. The closer you can get to their own words, the more they'll resonate with the problem you're addressing. Avoid industry jargon that might alienate them. Your goal is to make them think, "That's exactly how I feel!"

Link the Problem, Solution, and Success

Your One Liner should tell a cohesive story. Your solution should directly address the problem you've identified, and the success should naturally follow from applying your solution. If these elements don't connect logically, your story will feel disjointed and less impactful.

Speak it aloud

Your One Liner shouldn't just look good on paper - it needs to sound natural when spoken. Practice saying it out loud. If you stumble over certain words or phrases, that's a sign you might need to refine those parts. A smooth delivery will make your message more memorable and impactful.

Be concise

Don't use more words than necessary. Every word in your One Liner should earn its place. If you can communicate the same idea with fewer words, do it. Brevity makes your message clearer and easier to remember. Remember, commas and 'and' aren't your friend!

Be consistent

Once you've refined your One Liner, say it the same way every time. Consistency is key to memorability. The more you repeat it exactly, the more likely it is to stick in people's minds and become associated with your brand.

Refine it over time

Your One Liner isn't set in stone. As you use it, pay attention to how people respond. Are there parts that consistently resonate more than others? Do people ever seem confused? Use these insights to continually refine your message. Your One Liner can evolve as your business grows and you learn more about your customer.

Remember, your StoryBrand One Liner is a tool to start conversations, not end them. It should pique interest and invite further discussion about how you can help your customers. With these tips in mind, you're ready to create a One Liner that clearly communicates your value and sets your business apart.

Where to use your StoryBrand One Liner

Your StoryBrand One Liner is a versatile tool that can be used across various platforms to consistently communicate your brand's message. Here are some key places where you can effectively use your One Liner:

Social Media Bios

Your One Liner is perfect for social media profiles where space is often limited. It quickly tells visitors who you are and what you do. If character counts are tight, you might focus on just the Solution and Success parts of your One Liner.

Email Signatures

Include your One Liner in your email signature. This makes sure that everyone you communicate with via email gets a clear, concise understanding of your business with every interaction.


Your One Liner should feature prominently on your website, especially on the homepage. It can serve as a powerful subheadline that immediately tells visitors what your business is about.

Business Cards

If you use business cards, your One-Liner can be a powerful addition. Rather than replacing your job title, it complements it by clearly communicating what you do.

Marketing Materials

Use your One Liner in brochures, flyers, and other marketing collateral. It provides a consistent message across all your materials.

Networking Events

When someone asks, "What do you do?", your One Liner is the perfect response. It's brief enough not to overwhelm but informative enough to spark interest.

Remember, the key is consistency. By using your One Liner across all these platforms, you reinforce your brand message and make it more memorable to your audience.

Final Thoughts

We've explored the power of a StoryBrand One Liner and how it can transform the way you talk about your business. This simple tool can make a big difference in how clearly you communicate and how well your message sticks with your audience.

Remember, a good One Liner isn't just about being catchy. It's about connecting with your customers by showing them you understand their problems and have a solution that can make their lives better. It's about telling your brand's story in a way that's clear, concise, and compelling.

Creating a great One Liner takes time and effort. You might not get it perfect on your first try, and that's okay. Keep testing it with your ideal customer and adjusting based on their reactions. The more you use it, the more natural it will become, and the more impact it will have.

If you're finding it challenging to create a One Liner that truly captures your business, you're not alone. Many business owners struggle with this crucial piece of their marketing strategy. That's where we can help.

As part of our StoryBrand Strategy & Messaging process, we work with you to create a One Liner that perfectly encapsulates your brand's message. We'll help you clarify your message, identify your unique value proposition, and craft a One Liner that resonates with your target audience.

Ready to take your brand messaging to the next level? Book a call with us today. Let's work together to create a StoryBrand One Liner that sets your business apart and grows your business.

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