Ever had one of those moments of immense clarity?
Ever had one of those moments of immense clarity?
You know, when you see a new direction for your business or dream up a product or service that feels like pure genius?
I've had my fair share. But looking back, some of those 'crystal clear' ideas weren't clear at all.
Take 'My Brand Story', for instance. That was our company name before we became Mammoth Marketing.
At the time, I thought it was brilliant. We used the StoryBrand framework to craft brand stories that grow businesses.
'Brand story' was in the name, everyone was talking about 'story' at the time – it felt perfect.
But I found out years later that people were getting us mixed up with StoryBrand. To make matters worse, StoryBrand had a website called 'mystorybrand'.
People were trying to refer clients to us and they couldn't even remember our business name!
It's funny how a few years can change your perspective. Back then, I thought I had immense clarity.
Now? I realise that was just early on in my clarity journey. Things are way clearer now.
Maybe you've got something similar in your business?
A decision that felt spot-on at the time, born from a moment of supposed clarity. But now, you're realising it's time for a change?
If this rings any bells, I'd love to hear about it.
Hit reply and share your story with me.
Until next time,