My website's getting no traffic...

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I had someone tell me recently: "My website's getting no traffic."

My response was simple: "Well, have you told anyone about it?"


Here's the thing - it doesn't matter how amazing your new website is... if you're not actively directing people to it, it's like having a shop in the middle of nowhere with no signs pointing to it.

And I get it. We often fall into the trap of thinking:

  • "If I build it, they will come"
  • "Google will find me eventually"
  • "The right people will somehow discover it"

Sometimes I see people jumping straight to expensive SEO strategies or complex marketing plans... when they haven't even done the basics of telling people their website exists.Your website needs traffic. And that traffic needs to come from somewhere.Some simple places to start:

  • Share it on your social media (and not just once)
  • Email your contact list about it
  • Tell your existing customers
  • Consider running some targeted ads
  • Add it to your email signature
  • Actually mention it in conversations

Because here's the truth: That beautiful website you invested in? It's only valuable when people actually see it.Here's to getting more eyes on your website,


P.S. I know this is a simple tip today. But sometimes we all need a reminder.